Symptoms, causes, and diagnosis of high cholesterol

Symptoms, causes, and diagnosis of high cholesterol

A waxy substance which is used by the body for the protection of the nerves, building of cell tissues, and the production of several hormones is known as cholesterol. The liver has a great role in the production of cholesterol in the body. Additionally, cholesterol is added in your body by eating certain food items like dairy products, meats, and eggs. When you have too much cholesterol in your body, it will have a bad impact on your health. The high cholesterol in the body may build fatty deposits in the blood vessels. Because of this fatty deposit in the blood vessels, the flow of blood to the heart might get affected and this will cause a possibility of heart disease.

There are no symptoms of high cholesterol in the body. Most people realize that they have high cholesterol when they suffer from a serious condition of health like a heart attack. You will get to know about the high cholesterol in your body by conducting a blood test only. After the age of 20, you should start the screening of your blood cholesterol through a blood examination.

Causes of high cholesterol
There are many factors that can cause high cholesterol in your body and these factors are described below:

  • When you have an unhealthy diet which generally has a high level of saturated fats.
  • Smoking can also lead to high cholesterol levels in your blood stream. There is a chemical in cigarettes which is known as acrolein. This chemical causes the narrowing of the arteries by stopping HDL transporting cholesterol.
  • When you have diabetes or high blood pressure, you are more likely to develop high cholesterol level in your blood stream.
  • If you have a family history of heart disease or stroke, you are more prone to having a high level of cholesterol in your body.
  • Additionally, if you have an inherited condition known as familial hypercholesterolemia, it will cause high cholesterol levels in your body.

The diagnosis of high cholesterol can be made with a blood examination for cholesterol levels. Men aged above 35 should have an annual blood check-up and women aged above 45 should have a proper screening of cholesterol levels every year. Those people who are at high risk of developing any heart disease can have their cholesterol level checked every year. It is also important for teens who have a family history of high cholesterol to have a proper screening of high cholesterol levels frequently.

You should prevent a condition of high cholesterol by making certain lifestyle changes such as:

  • You should eat a low-salt diet daily, which may consist of a lot of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.
  • You should use good fats in limited amount and avoid the use of animal fats in your diet.
  • You should maintain a healthy lifestyle by exercising daily.
  • You must quit smoking as it is very harmful to your health.
  • You should drink alcohol in limited quantity.
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