Home remedies to treat dandruff

Home remedies to treat dandruff

Dandruff is a common scalp condition and can be identified by the presence of flakes of dead skin all over the scalp surface. While dandruff caused by different skin conditions is needed to be treated by a physician, there are different over-the-counter medicated shampoos available as well. Generally, mild dandruff situations can be easily treated with regular cleaning of the scalp.

Home remedies for treating dandruff
Apart from different medicated products, one can use different home remedies to treat their dandruff issue. They are discussed here:

  • Rinse wet hair with green tea
    Green tea is very effective in treating dandruff. Mix green tea with a few drops of peppermint essential oil, and add a teaspoon of white vinegar to it. Use this solution to rinse wet hair. Massage the scalp for at least about five minutes and wash it off with a sulfate-free shampoo. The antimicrobial and antioxidant properties of green tea and peppermint oil keep the scalp healthy and reduce the chances of dandruff.
  • Neem leaves help reduce dandruff
    One can make a paste of neem leaves or boil them in water. Depending on the requirement, the paste can be applied on the hair and be left overnight, followed by washing the hair in the morning. In the case of boiled neem water, after straining the leaves, one can use the solution to rinse your hair. Both ways are effective in relieving itching of the scalp and reducing dandruff.
  • Apply apple cider vinegar
    Apple cider vinegar is extremely effective in destroying the fungus that causes dandruff. It’s also great in relieving symptoms like itching of the scalp. Mix this vinegar with equal parts of water and rinse wet hair. One can notice a visible change after doing this a few times.
  • Coconut oil massage
    The antifungal property of coconut oil is also quite effective in destroying the fungus causing dandruff, and tea tree oil adds shine to the hair. Mix five to ten drops of tea tree essential oil with five tablespoons of coconut oil and massage them on the scalp. One does not need to apply the solution along the length of the hair. One can leave the oil on the scalp overnight or at least for one to two hours before washing your hair with a sulfate-free shampoo. A few applications of this oil will show visible changes.
  • Apply lemon juice on the scalp
    Instead of applying lemon juice directly, one should mix it with water to rinse their hair. This process can be repeated daily before showering. This will help reduce dandruff by destroying the fungus that causes it in the first place.
  • Hair mask made of yogurt
    Whisk a small amount of sour curd or yogurt and apply it on the scalp. The acidic property of the curd helps in reducing dandruff and adding shine to the hair. Leave the mask on for about an hour before washing it off with a sulfate-free shampoo.

Home remedies are very effective in reducing dandruff as they do not contain any chemicals. As a result, they not only help in treating dandruff in a natural way but also make the hair healthy.

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