Get rid of your nasal congestion with these remedies

Get rid of your nasal congestion with these remedies

Nasal congestion is often referred to as a ‘stuffy nose’. It occurs when the adjacent and the nasal tissues are blocked with excessive fluid. Additionally, it will also cause the blood vessels to swell, which causes a stuffy sort of a feeling in the nasal passage. This congestion may or may not have a nasal discharge as well.

Nasal congestion ends up being annoying not only for children but also for adults. However, this congestion can also be serious for children who often experience it as a hindrance due to their congestion. This is especially so in the case of infants who are not able to feed properly due to congestion.

A few remedies you should try are:

A humidifier
A humidifier is a quick way to reduce the pain of sinus and also for relieving nasal congestion. This particular machine converts water into moisture, which fills the air and increases humidity, making it soothing for the affected person to breathe.

Have a hot shower
While most people just like to curl up in bed when they have nasal congestion, you will find that a hot shower is quite helpful. The main reason behind this is the steam that forms while taking a warm shower.

Keep hydrating yourself
Having liquids while nasal congestion, especially good fluids, will help thin down the mucus and help in pushing out the blocked fluids. When there is lesser pressure in the nose, it becomes much easier to breathe.

Using a saline spray
A nasal spray can help in decreasing the moisture that is blocked with the fluids inside the nasal area. These sprays also help in thinning the mucus inside of the nasal passages. This also reduces the inflammation inside the blood vessels and then reduces the fluids inside the nose.

Drain out the sinuses
This is an alternative treatment. However, it is very useful for clearing the nasal congestion. The neti pot is an age-old remedy, which helps in flushing out the fluids and the mucus stuck inside the passages. However, it is recommended to do this under an expert’s guidance.

Using a warm compression
A warm compress is a good way to help in unclogging nasal congestion from the outside. In order to make this compress, you would need to soak a towel in the warm water. You can squeeze the water out of the towel and then place it over the forehead.

A decongestant
You can use a decongestant medication, which will help in alleviating the pain by reducing swelling and removing irritation from the nasal passages. You can take it in either pill form or a nasal spray.

Having anti-allergens or antihistamine
Sometimes your cold is a result of allergies in the body. Hence, having an anti-allergen would help in decongesting the nasal passage. These are available over-the-counter as well and you would not require a prescription for them.

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