Top 3 causes of dry eyes

Top 3 causes of dry eyes

Dry eyes syndrome is a very common condition that can occur at any age and to anyone. In this condition, the amount of tear production reduces, due to which your eyes will not get proper lubrication as needed by them. Those who suffer from this condition are known to feel discomfort in the eyes all the time. It is also possible that their eyes will feel a burning sensation due to dryness and appear red. One may also feel difficulty in wearing contact lenses or driving at night. These are quite a few symptoms of dry eyes, but it is important to know the causes of dry eyes so that you can are getting proper treatment. Herein, we discuss the top 3 causes of dry eye syndrome.

Decreased tear production
When you are unable to produce an adequate number of tears, the dry eye syndrome will be more likely to occur. When your eyes don’t have sufficient numbers of tears, the medical term for this condition is keratoconjunctivitis sicca. Reduced tear production is caused due to many factors like aging. Those 40 or above are more prone to get this syndrome as with growing age, the eyes’ ability to produce tears reduces. Another cause for reduced tear production will be several medical conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, Sjogren’s syndrome, lupus, and thyroid disorders. Additionally, the decreased production of tears can be caused due to some medicines, such as those for high blood pressure, birth control, acne, and Parkinson’s disease. If you have had laser eye surgery, then it can also be the cause of your reduced production of tears. It is also possible that there can be damage in your tear gland due to radiation or inflammation.

Imbalance in tear composition
We must know that the composition of the tear film is of three layers, which are oil, water, and mucus. When there will be an issue in the composition, you will suffer from dry eye syndrome. Oil is the topmost layer and it comes from the edges of the eyelids. Oil is responsible for the smoothening of tear surface and it also assists in slowing down the evaporation rate. When you have an imbalance in oil levels, the rate of evaporation increases, causing tears to evaporate quickly. Water and salt compose the middle layer and this layer is produced by tear glands. This layer helps in the cleansing of the eyes and washing all the particles and irritants. If this layer is disturbed, it will cause film instability. The tears are evenly spread in the eyes with the help of the inner layer. Any disturbance in this layer causes dry patches on the cornea.

Increased tear evaporation
This is caused by various reasons like wind, dry air, smoke, less blinking of eyes, and problems in the eyelids. This can be caused to environmental factors in the area one lives in, e.g.,  windy, dry, and dusty places. These factors are quite instrumental in causing dry eyes.

There are several treatments for dry eyes, and you must select the one that helps deal with the condition. Consult an optician to determine the right treatment options.

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