The different causes of nausea

The different causes of nausea

Nausea is a condition in which you will feel like vomiting. It is the discomfort of the stomach which can be caused due to various reasons. This condition can occur to anyone at any point of time and is not considered as a disease, but it is a symptom which can occur with many different diseases. Nausea can be caused due to several reasons and some of them are described below in detail:

Gastroesophageal reflux disease
Gastroesophageal reflux disease is the condition in which the content of your stomach returns back to your esophagus with the stomach acid. When this acid reflux occurs in the body, you will feel a burning sensation, which generally causes nausea.

Reproductive hormones
Nausea can also be caused due to reproductive hormones of the body. We are aware of the fact that most women feel morning sickness, which is the feeling of nausea in their first trimester of the pregnancy, which in a few cases can extend to the second trimester too. Additionally, many women feel nausea when they consume birth control pills regularly.

There are certain viruses and bacteria which can cause an infection in your body. Due to this infection, you will feel like vomiting i.e. you will be nauseous. Generally, when you get an infection from food-borne bacteria, it is known as food poisoning.

There are certain medications which can cause nausea in people like medications used in chemotherapy. Therefore, it is essential to carefully read all the instructions provided with the medicines before consuming them. You must ask your doctor before starting any medicine for any health condition.

Alcohol consumption
We can observe a feeling of nausea in both cases of alcohol intoxication and alcohol withdrawal. Consuming alcohol in a high quantity can cause a great extent of stomach discomfort, which results in nausea.

Motion sickness and sea-sickness
When you are in any vehicle on the road and the ride is very bumpy, this will transmit messages to the brain which cannot sync with your senses. This is the reason when you ride on a bumpy road or travel in the sea, you suffer from nausea, vomiting, or dizziness.

Anesthesia is generally given to people when they undergo surgery. Some people experience a side effect of anesthesia in the form of nausea, while awakening from the surgery.

There are certain food items which you can be allergic to and when you consume those food items, you will experience an allergic reaction in the form of nausea or vomiting. Additionally, nausea can also be caused when you consume a lot of food or certain spicy or high-fat food items.

Ulcers are sores in the stomach or intestinal lining, which are caused due to overeating of spicy foods. Nausea can also be caused due to ulcers because when you have ulcers, you will feel a burning sensation in your stomach that eventually results in nausea.

These are certain causes of nausea which can be improved by utilizing certain home remedies or over-the-counter medicines.

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