Ten tips to prevent erectile dysfunction

Ten tips to prevent erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction (ED) does a lot more damage than one can imagine. This condition leads to emotional stress and can further take a toll on your relationship. As a man ages, it is natural to fail to maintain an erection. However, men younger than 40 experience this condition due to lifestyle-related issues, like stress or excessive smoking and alcohol consumption.

In order to prevent it, one can take some preventive measures:

Watch the weighing scale
The extra body weight can affect your sex life. An obese man has chances of acquiring high cholesterol and diabetes, which can eventually lead to erectile dysfunction. To stay on top of your game, maintain a healthy weight. Find your BMI and get into a workout regime.

Avoid fatty food
Erectile dysfunction is highly linked to heart diseases. If you are eating red meat, junk food, and full-fat dairy products, there are chances of inviting this condition. Since foods like these are artery-clogging, they result in less blood flow to your heart and penis. Switch to fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grain products, and fish. It is essential to detox your body sometimes.

Manage your blood pressure
If you do not have the habit of checking your blood pressure, start now. High blood pressure narrows the blood vessels, resulting in less flow to the penis which, in turn, affects the erection and performance.

Manage diabetes
The mother of all complicationsas common as it, long term diabetes or unmanaged diabetes paves the way to severe damage in the nerves and blood vessels. Try managing your diabetes in order to prevent erectile dysfunction.

Avoid smoking
It is believed that men who smoke are twice as susceptible to have this condition compared to those who don’t. This should be a good reason to quit smoking. Additionally, most medications may not even work as efficiently if you continue to smoke.

Avoid drinking
Drinking too much can damage your libido. It could soften the erection and also make it difficult to get an orgasm, assuming you manage to sustain the erection. Chances are that the condition may not even exist if you quit smoking and keep drinking minimal.

Do not abuse substance
Drugs slow down the central nervous system and also cause damage to your blood vessels. Cocaine, amphetamines, marijuana, and opiates certainly cause problems which can lead to erectile dysfunction. Ask for help; there are many rehabilitation centers that do a phenomenal job to help you recover from your present condition.

Exercise not only makes you feel good but is also good for your heart. It lowers stress, manages your weight, and is a great preventive measure for erectile dysfunction.

Check testosterone levels
The level tends to fall down after 30-32 and drops even further with age. Low level of testosterone can affect your erection. One can test their blood to confirm this. Thankfully, with a proper diet and healthy lifestyle habits, one can main their testosterone levels.

Use of anabolic steroids
Do not use anabolic steroids to build up muscles. It reduces the body’s ability to function properly. It is best to stay away from such risky drugs.

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