Healthy Tips for Cat Food and Treats

Healthy Tips for Cat Food and Treats

Feline specific foods rich in nutrients as well as healthy treats are essential to your cat’s health and wellbeing. A healthy diet goes a long way in keeping feline obesity, arthritis, feline diabetes and several other health issues at bay. Cats are carnivores by nature, and their ancestors hunted and found mainly in the wild, which is why they love foods filled with moisture and meat.

Read on for a few ways you can keep your cat healthy with feline food and treats:

1. No milk

Social media often gives us the idea milk goes with cats, but it actually does not. Adult cats don’t have enough enzymes to break up the lactase in milk so it actually upsets their stomach most of the time. Instead, make sure they have access to fresh water at all times.

2. Canned cat food

Cats aren’t the best at drinking water so canned food is often a better choice for your cat’s nutritional needs. Canned foods usually have more moisture than dry foods. They’re also lower in carbohydrates. This can be an issue if your cat has urinary issues or diabetes. If your cat only eats dry food, try to sneak in a canned food one meal a day, or mix it in with his dry food at times for the nutritional boost.

3. Taurine

Taurine is essential to a cat’s health as it’s an amino acid used in the function of the heart, reproduction and vision. Taurine is found in animal-based proteins. A cat’s diet should be based on food with meat so they can meet all of their nutritional requirements for a healthy diet.

4. Pair with exercise

Most cats aren’t going to run on a treadmill or even go for a walk outside, but they can get exercise in some ways. Put their food far away from where they like to sleep so they have to walk a bit to get to it. Try to play with them getting them to move. Cats are often stubborn and like to relax more than exercise, but try to get them moving in any way you can.

5. No people food

It’s best to keep cats away from your table scraps. Cats have finicky stomachs that are easily upset by things that might be lurking in your food. People food is often stuffed with extra sodium and preservatives that can’t simply can’t handle. It’s best to give them a simple diet in case any health issues arise.

6. Moderate treats

It’s a sweet idea to give a cat treats to make them happy, but do this in moderation. Cats can be given protein rich cat treats if you really feel the need to feed them a treat. Their diet should only consist of 5% treats.

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