An overview of the common dental care practices

An overview of the common dental care practices

People always prefer good oral hygiene as it prevents tooth decay, bad breath, and gum-related disease. Another feature of dental care practice is that the teeth are healthy for long even if one gets older.

Oral disorders can be warded off with the help of some precautionary measures. Even if there is a history of oral diseases, proper care can alleviate the progression of the disease. Some studies have correlated gum diseases with certain other fatal diseases like diabetes, heart attack, and stroke. In this article, we will give an overview of some dental care practices adopted by a dentist.

  • Bonding
    In the process of bonding, the enamel composite resins are used to restore the teeth that have decayed, discolored, chipped, or fractured. Through this process, the gaps between the teeth can also be closed.
  • Braces
    These are given by the dental care profession so that the teeth are aligned. They help in correcting the problems related to biting. The braces are applied so that the teeth experience a steady pressure to realign themselves in the required way.
  • Implants and bridges
    The missing tooth is replaced by the bridging and implanting process. Bridging is the anchoring of false teeth to the adjacent set of teeth. The bridge is generally composed of 2 crowns that anchor to the teeth and false teeth at the center. The replacement of the teeth can be made successful by dental implants.
  • Dentures
    The lost teeth might be replaced with a prosthetic device called dentures. These can be either partial or the full type.
  • Gum surgery
    In certain cases of periodontal infection, the jaw bone is also affected, along with the gum. This can have a bad effect on the teeth and gum. Periodontitis and gingivitis are the two stages where gingivitis is a reversible and milder case. The surgery is accepted dental care for those who are affected by the gum diseases.
  • The oral examination for cancer
    Cancer starts anywhere in the mouth or throat. The oral screening is a regular dental examination. If there is an irregular lump or tissue in the neck or head region, one may be suffering from oral cancer.
  • Root canals
    Root canals are helpful dental care practices that can successfully help with diseased or decayed teeth. In such a case, the tooth that may be decayed or cracked may be opened. The infected area is then cleaned and sealed.
  • Sealants
    The chewing surface of the teeth can be sealed. The dental sealants that are used by professionals are used as inhibitors of bacterial growth. The sealants are usually applied to the teeth that may have blackened, like the molars and the premolars.
  • Teeth whitening agent
    Generally, teeth are found to darken with age. The staining can be caused by innumerable agents like beverages, food, smoking, and drugs. One may also use some home-based formulation for the whitening of the teeth.
  • Veneers
    These are strong and thin resin or ceramic material bound to teeth. They are widely used to repair decayed, stained, and chipped teeth.

Hence, as guided by the dentist, one can adhere to any of these dental care alternatives for a healthy oral care routine.

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