8 effective benefits of flossing you did not know

8 effective benefits of flossing you did not know

Very commonly, dental care routine comprises of brushing twice a day, cleaning the tongue, and killing the bad-breath-causing germs with an antiseptic mouthwash. However, one thing that many of us do not consider important is flossing. Highly recommended by dentists, flossing is a lot more than just removing food debris stuck in your teeth. So, here are a few surprising and effective benefits that you can reap by introducing flossing to your regular dental hygiene routine.

Flossing prevents gingivitis
Gingivitis is a painful condition, which is caused by plaque buildup on the gum line, and it causes symptoms such as bleeding or swelling of the gums. Regular flossing removes the plaque and food debris in the tooth cavity and therefore prevents the inflammation of gums or gingivitis.

Flossing can control diabetes
As surprising as it may seem, flossing works a great deal when it comes to controlling diabetes. Without flossing, the buildup of bacteria happens at a rapid rate inside the mouth. This oral bacterial then affects the glucose level in the body, which can be troublesome for diabetics. Thus, for diabetes patients, flossing should be one of the important steps of their daily healthcare routine.

Flossing can prevent heart problems
Gingivitis is one of the problems that can develop as a result of not flossing your teeth regularly. In addition, gingivitis also increases the risk of harmful bacteria being released into your bloodstream. This can have harmful effects on the organs and can eventually lead to blood clots or heart diseases.

Flossing fights bad breath
Antiseptic mouthwashes and brushing twice a day can surely help you remove the tartar on your teeth, which causes bad breath. However, regular flossing removes tartar from your gum line and from your tooth cavity. People who experience bad breath can start noticing the change within the first week of flossing.

Flossing can prevent respiratory diseases
The release of harmful bacteria from your mouth to the throat and then to the respiratory system can be the cause of several respiratory problems. Flossing can remove these bacteria from your mouth and thus prevent you from developing respiratory problems such as bronchitis.

Flossing prevents staining of teeth
Bacteria that turns into plaque is responsible for staining or discoloration of teeth. However, the occurrence of the yellow substance on your teeth can be prevented with regular flossing and brushing.

Flossing can prevent tooth loss
Unhealthy gums play a vital role in tooth decay. However, with regular flossing, you can maintain the health of your gums and thus prevent tooth loss and decrease the chances of undergoing a root canal treatment.

Flossing can aid in weight loss
There has been evidence that supports the idea that brushing, when combined with flossing, can make you less tempted to munch. In fact, flossing after every meal can help you avoid that unnecessary mid-meal snacking. Although they fall under the category of healthy snacks, dry fruits also have high sugar content and a tendency to get stuck between tooth cavities. Thus, a quick floss can prevent you from the dangers posed by healthy snacks too.

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