7 effective ways to manage allergies

7 effective ways to manage allergies

An allergy is the body’s natural immune reaction against a foreign antigen that enters your body. These foreign substances are referred to as allergens. Some common allergens are pollen grains, dust, certain foods, and pet dander. An allergic reaction can cause swelling in the eyes, runny nose, fever, nausea, rashes on the skin, and fatigue.

How to manage allergies effectively?
An affected individual can use the following step for the management of allergies.

  • Treatment: Antihistamines are generally prescribed for the management of an allergy. Antihistamines can be used to treat itching in the eyes, sneezing, and runny nose. They can also be used to treat red spots on the skin and food allergies. However, antihistamines can cause drowsiness and thus are used only after a prescription.
  • Decongestants: They help in removing the nasal congestion and are generally used for short-term treatment of the symptoms. They act quickly and provide relief. However, their long term use raises the blood pressure, heart rate, and induces insomnia.
  • Allergy shots: Allergy shots are typically used for seasonal allergies and provide relief in cases of swelling in the eyes, nasal blockage, and sneezing. In allergy shots, a small amount of allergen is introduced into the body at a regular interval. This prepares your body when it actually encounters the specific allergen. The shots are provided weekly, for the initial 3-6 months, and after that, monthly shots are given for the next 3-5 years. Allergy shots are considered very effective for the management of seasonal allergic reactions and allergies to certain insects.
  • Epinephrine: In cases where medical help does not come immediately, epinephrine is used to save a life-threatening situation.
  • Nasal spray and combination drugs: Certain nasal sprays provide relief from allergies. However, they are more effective when they are used before the reaction. Some combination medicines that use both antihistamines and decongestants can also be used.
  • Avoid triggers: One of the best ways to manage allergies effectively is to avoid an allergic reaction by avoiding triggers or contact with the allergens. For example, food allergies can be very effectively managed by eliminating the dietary component that causes the allergy. Read food labels properly before you eat any food item to avoid entry of the allergen. In cases where you are allergic to certain seasonal allergens (pollen), avoid visiting those places or take precautionary measures. Stay indoors, especially when there is a rise in seasonal allergic reactions.
  • Clean your home: Indoor allergens are present in your home, on the floor, on furniture, clothes, and all the possible surfaces. Certain allergens like fungal spores, fine dust particles, cockroach droppings, and pet dander can trigger an allergic reaction. One of the most common triggers for an allergic reaction, dust mites, is present in the dust. By thoroughly cleaning your home, you can effectively reduce the chances of an allergy attack.

Allergic reactions are your body’s natural immune response to certain allergens. Allergic reactions can be managed by avoiding contact with triggers and taking proper medical help.

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