Symptoms and types of ulcerative colitis

Symptoms and types of ulcerative colitis

Ulcerative colitis is a kind of inflammatory bowel disease that causes sores in the colon and also affects the innermost area or lining of the large intestine. The inflammation usually lasts for a long duration, and the symptoms include pain in the abdomen, diarrhea, and blood in the stools. Unfortunately, ulcerative colitis has no cure, but treatment can significantly reduce the signs and symptoms, while also bringing about some kind of relief.

The symptoms of ulcerative colitis can vary depending on the gravity of the inflammation and also the area of the large intestine that it affects. Some of them are listed here:

  • Diarrhea accompanied by blood or pus in the stools
  • Abdominal pain and cramps
  • Severe rectal pain
  • Bleeding in the rectum area, which is usually seen in the stools
  • Difficulty in holding up defecation
  • Severe loss of weight
  • Fatigue

The symptoms could vary from mild to moderate or severe, and they could even stay dormant for a long time for those who are taking the right intervention.

Types of ulcerative colitis
The classification is done based on the location:

  • Ulcerative proctitis: This is largely confined to the area closest to the rectum (anus), and bleeding from the rectum is the only sign of this type. It is considered as the mild form of the condition.
  • Proctosigmoiditis: It involves not only the rectum region but also the lower end of the colon, called the sigmoid colon. The symptoms include abdominal cramps and pain, bloody diarrhea, and the inability of bowel movements despite the urge, which is also called tenesmus.
  • Left-sided colitis: The inflammation extends from the rectum all the way up to the descending colon. The signs and symptoms range from pain on the left side of the intestinal area to drastic weight loss and other symptoms like bloody diarrhea and cramps in the abdomen.
  • Pancolitis: This affects the entire colon area and causes severe and multiple bouts of bloody diarrhea, along with abdominal pain and cramps, drastic weight loss, and fatigue.
  • Acute severe ulcerative colitis: This type of ulcerative colitis is considered to be a rare form, and the entire colon is affected in this case. It causes severe fever, and there is a total loss of appetite in this type. Patients have also reported an inability to eat, followed by other symptoms like acute diarrhea, bleeding, severe abdominal pain, and fatigue.

When to consult a doctor
A visit to the doctor should be when there is a change in bowel habits or if there are any signs or symptoms from among the following:

  • Nagging pain in the abdomen
  • Blood in the stool
  • Diarrhea that does not stop even after medicines
  • Fever that lasts for more than two or three days despite taking medicines
  • Loss of appetite
  • Tiredness that lasts for no warranted reason and without having done anything
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