Hemophilia- Its symptoms and complications

Hemophilia- Its symptoms and complications

Hemophilia is one of the rare blood disorders in which the blood fails to clot when a person gets a cut or a wound and the bleeding continues. The disorder arises due to a lack of blood clotting proteins (clotting factors). Even a small cut can lead to heavy bleeding, but the major concern is internal bleeding in the ankle, elbow and the knees. The internal bleeding can damage the organs and tissues gravely and create a life-threatening situation. It is a genetic disorder and the treatment includes replacement of the specific clotting factors on a regular basis.

The signs and symptoms of hemophilia vary and depend upon the levels of clotting factors. For example, if a person has their clotting factors mildly reduced, they may bleed only after experiencing trauma or undergoing surgery. Whereas, people who have severe deficiency may experience spontaneous bleeding.

The major signs and symptoms of hemophilia are:

  • Presence of unknown deep and large bruises
  • Swelling, tightness or pain in the joints
  • Presence of unusual bleeding after vaccinations
  • Excessive and unexplained bleeding after surgery, from cuts or injuries or after dental work
  • In infants, the presence of unexplained irritability
  • Presence of blood in stool and urine
  • Nose bleeding without any cause

There are a few complications that arise due to hemophilia. And it is necessary to watch out for them.

  • Due to blood loss, the person may suffer from severe anemia
  • Damage to muscles due to which prominent scarring and pain is caused
  • Presence of blood in urine. This condition is pretty common in people who have hemophilia and is nothing to worry about if treated properly. There may be a sharp pain in the lower part of the belly as there are blood clots in the urethra and they block the bladder.
  • Damage to joints including elbows, knees, and ankles.
  • One of the rare complications is compartment syndrome which develops when the bleeding in the muscle creates and puts pressure on the nerves and the arteries inside the muscles. The syndrome can cause some serious damage to the limbs.
  • Presence of bleeding inside the head which is also known as intracranial hemorrhage. This is mainly a result of a head injury and it’s quite dangerous as it can result in brain damage or even death.
  • Presence of bleeding in the digestive system, which can be identified when blood is seen in the stool or in vomit. This complication can make the vomit look like coffee grounds or give the stool a tarry and black appearance. And if there is a huge amount of blood loss, the other symptoms like anemia, fatigue, and lightheadedness may also be seen.

One of the prominent complications is bleeding in the brain.

Hemophilia doesn’t really have any definite cure, but one can look out for the complications and symptoms and do the needful to reduce the effects on their body.

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