Heartburn and ways to cure it

Heartburn and ways to cure it

Heartburn is the condition that causes a burning sensation near the heart, in the chest and throat. Named so because of the location of the heart, it doesn’t have to be related to the heart. This condition usually occurs because of stomach acids backing up to the esophagus.

When a person experiences pain and a burning sensation in the region around the heart, the first thing that comes to the person’s mind is a heart attack. In most cases, this is more likely to be heartburn.

Heartburn is nothing but a symptom of GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease). It happens when acid from the stomach flows back into the esophagus due to the malfunctioning of a valve separating the two. This leads to pain in the chest and a burning sensation. It also causes irritation and a sour taste in the mouth.

The symptoms of heartburn include:

  • Burning pain near the chest usually felt after a meal.
  • Pain that increases if the person bends or lies down.
  • Sour or acidic taste in the mouth.

Long-term effects
The long terms effects of heartburn are:

  • It can cause ulcers, leading to severe pain and bleeding.
  • It can lead to problems swallowing.
  • Sleeping can become difficult as the flow of acid can cause a cough or choking.

Repeated irritation of the esophagus can result in a disease called Barrett’s esophagus — which can eventually lead to cancer.

Why does it happen?
It is estimated that every month, at least 60 million individuals in the country experience symptoms of heartburn. It is essentially a digestive problem that can be caused due to multiple factors like a poor lifestyle, bad eating habits, and stress.

The sphincter muscle prevents stomach contents from flowing back into the esophagus in most people. However, in some cases, this muscle is weak and is unable to close in time after the passage of food, leading to reflux wherein the acid enters the esophagus.

Triggers of heartburn
Following are certain foods that can cause heartburn in some people:

  • Fatty foods and fried foods
  • Alcohol
  • Spicy food
  • Onion and garlic
  • Chocolate and peppermint
  • Carbonated beverages
  • Milk products, especially full-fat milk
  • Eating citrus fruits or drinking the juice
  • Tomatoes or ketchup made from tomato

Apart from these, smoking and stress can lead to heartburn. Those who are overweight, eat a heavy meal or sleep immediately after eating can experience this problem.

Over-the-counter medication like antacids can be taken to dilute the acid. A doctor may also prescribe proton pump inhibitors to prevent acid from being produced, so as to alleviate the symptoms.

Lifestyle changes
Medication can only provide temporary relief for heartburn. For long-term relief, lifestyle modifications are needed. These include:

  • Eating smaller meals. Instead of eating one big meal, two small meals are preferred to prevent excess acid production.
  • Finishing dinner a few hours before sleeping.
  • Giving up smoking, alcohol, and caffeine.
  • Preferring a low-fat diet with less spicy ingredients and fried food.
  • Elevating the head while sleeping.
  • Exercising regularly to reduce weight.
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