A guide to understanding the behavior of dementia patients

A guide to understanding the behavior of dementia patients

It is well known that caring for a loved one who is suffering from dementia has many challenges. Patients suffering from dementia conditions such as Alzheimer’s or any other related disease do have a progressive biological brain disorder that makes it more and more difficult for them to remember things as time passes. They cannot even think clearly, communicate with others, and take care of themselves. Dementia can cause intense mood swings and in some cases can even change a person’s personality and behavior. Here in this article, one can get a better understanding and perspective of patients with dementia.

Understanding dementia

  • Set a positive mood for interaction: Our body language and attitude tend to say a lot more than our words. A positive mood should be set up between you and the patient for better understanding. One should be pleasant and respectful with them.
  • Understand their behavior: Try to figure out what they are telling you. They lose their ability to express themselves correctly as time passes. Try asking yourself why your loved one is behaving in this manner.
  • Just remember that a dementia patient is not behaving in an odd way on purpose. Try not getting angry and never take their words personally. Try staying as calm as possible, after all it’s someone you love.
  • Try speaking calmly and softly with the person. If you feel that their behavior is getting aggressive, you may want to back off a bit.
  • State your message precisely and clearly: Speak slowly, distinctly, and in a reassuring tone with a dementia patient. Do not ever raise your voice; it may make them more annoyed and you definitely do not want to do that. Do not ever argue with them. Try understanding if they are hungry, tired, in pain or frustrated, and then act accordingly.
  • Respond to their emotions: You should avoid trying to reason with the patient. It may not at all benefit you or the patient. It might be possible that they are unable to follow the lengthy explanations so break down things for them and then explain.
  • Validate, join, and distract: This is the most effective method of dealing with someone suffering from an emotional imbalance that often occurs in dementia. If they constantly ask you to do something you don’t want, try distracting them. The best way to validate their statement is by saying positive things, and then sit down and talk to them about that person who they are reminiscing.
  • No one knows your loved one better than you: Use your knowledge of the patient before taking any harsh decision. Always think twice before getting annoyed or frustrated. Responding to such challenging behaviors with patience, creative solutions, and willingness is the best thing you can do.

One could learn to decode a dementia patient’s behavior over time and become a communication expert. Good communication skills and empathy will definitely help you understand your loved one in a way that can make their life relatively easy.

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